Leverage Our Expertise
Thermal Leverage engineers its heat transfer products in accordance with TEMA Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association standards or ABMA. The company’s Thermal Design Engineering is performed by internal heat transfer methods. All mechanical calculations are governed and controlled by ASME code. The Controls and Panels are all certified by UL Underwriters Laboratories.
Thermal Leverage has its core skills in design engineering and drafting.
Manufacturing Expertise
Design Expertise
Leverage Our Credentials
The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Certification (BPVC) Program grants the H certificate for heating boilers/cast iron sectional heating boilers. This stamp appears on all steam and water boilers our company sells for heating applications.
The ASME BPVC Program grants the U certificate for pressure vessels. This certificate appears on all pressure vessels our company sells.
NBBI offers the R certificate for the repair and/or alteration of boilers, pressure vessels, and other pressure-retaining items. Industrial Steam Boiler Corporation is licensed to perform such repairs and alterations in all jurisdictions throughout the New York Tri-State Area.
The ASME BPVC Program grants the S certificate for power boilers. This stamp appears on all steam and water boilers our company sells for power generating applications.